
Canine allergies and how to treat them in two easy steps

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Dog allergies seem to be on the rise. They itch, scratch in the middle of the night and keep you awake. His skin has rashes that may or may not weep. They sneeze. It gives them diarrhea. You have to be careful with food. Veterinary care becomes expensive. All very uncomfortable for your dog. But also for you.

Why should there be such a huge increase in dog allergies?

There is really only one reason.

And that’s because your immune system is severely compromised. And this is due to two things that you can start addressing right away.

If you’re feeding your dog a commercial pet food, that’s one of the main reasons he has allergies. Most commercial pet foods, including most of the big names, are low in nutrients and chemically high. what do I want to say with that?

Commercial pet food manufacturers are primarily looking for a big profit. Since there are no laws (at least no working laws) in any country that I know of, anything goes.

The meat is of poor quality: hooves, dead and diseased animals, high fat content, etc. It is then stuffed with a cheap filler such as sugar, melamine, corn, etc., without regard to the suitability of the feed for the animal.

Isolated and synthetic ‘nutrients’ are added to try to correct the poor quality. These nutrients are often impossible to digest and can cause damage later on.

Preservatives and dyes are then added. Even if the package says it has no preservatives, all it means is that the pet food manufacturer didn’t add the preservative. But it could have been added at the processing plant, where the ‘meat’ was purchased.

These preservatives are highly toxic and would never be allowed in human food. Condoms like ethoxyquin.

Is it any wonder dog allergies are rife now?

The other reason for their high incidence is that they now receive many vaccinations. Vaccines have the opposite effect to what many think: they hit the immune system six times.

So if you can start feeding your dog real food, preferably raw, it will go a long way in curing his allergies.

And if you take him to a holistic vet who uses homeopathy, you may be able to undo some of the damage from the vaccine. Enough, perhaps, to boost your immune system to the point where you don’t have any allergies at all.

Once you know the cause of dog allergies, it’s easy to take steps to correct them.

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