Health Fitness

Barefoot training for soccer players increases their speed and explosiveness

Posted by admin

Do you want to be faster and more explosive on the soccer field? Would you like to reduce the risk of injury? If so, keep reading!

Many soccer teams I train with or athletes I work with share a common trait when they warm up…they all warm up in bare feet. Here is the reason for that. By wearing shoes all the time, we are not strengthening the small muscles in the foot as much as we could. Shoes obviously serve a purpose, but try warming up your team with your shoes off and by doing this you will start to strengthen all those little muscles in your feet, it will also help strengthen the joints and ligaments in your ankle and lower back. leg. also.

I have written before about Active Dynamic Warming (ADW). If players do their ADW (series of exercises to warm up their core body temperature and then dynamically stretch) before their practice begins, they will indeed be doing themselves a huge favor.

Since soccer players (and most athletes) use their feet a lot not only to play the sport of soccer but also to be athletic, training your feet to get stronger will absolutely increase your soccer speed, make them stronger , which in turn will make them more explosive and will also reduce the number of lower leg injuries.

While I know this example is a bit tricky, if you consider it then you can see how barefoot training can affect your feet. Alright, here’s the example. If he wore baseball gloves on his hands for 2 weeks and did his normal routine, when he took off his baseball gloves and then tried to open a new jar of peanut butter, he probably couldn’t do it. The little muscles in your hand got weak because you didn’t use them to the full. The same applies when you wear shoes.

If you are warming up barefoot, be sure to clear the area of ​​rocks, sticks, or anything that could injure a player’s foot. If you train indoors, this problem is greatly reduced.

Just 15 minutes of barefoot training will help soccer players generate more speed, increase their agility, and help reduce lower leg and foot injuries.

I hope you have a good day!

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