
Bacterial Vaginosis: Natural Ways To Cure BV

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If you want to learn about natural ways to cure BV, then you are making a good choice. Endless rounds of antibiotics and over-the-counter drugs seem to offer no long-term solution. The problem for many women is that they experience not just one bout of bacterial vaginosis, but repeated episodes spread over several years. Not only do these cause the obvious problems like discomfort and irritation, but the distinctive smell can mean that many women suffer from loss of self-esteem and embarrassment.

The problem with antibiotics and other drugs is that they don’t address the root causes. What this means in practice is that although you may get symptomatic relief, as soon as you stop taking them, the symptoms return. On the other hand, natural ways to cure BV may be a better option, particularly when you use those that attempt to restore the correct balance of bacteria within the vagina.

Bacterial vaginosis occurs when there is an imbalance of the different types of bacteria that thrive in the vagina. Usually, the good strains outperform the bad ones and maintain overall control, keeping the pH level of the vagina slightly acidic. There are a number of “triggers” for this imbalance, and it is usually nearly impossible to determine which ones apply to an individual. Common causes include smoking, a new sexual partner, excessive washing, douching, using scented soaps and bubble baths around the vagina, and even just being “under the weather.”

Natural ways to cure BV include rebalancing the pH levels. This can be done by introducing good bacteria into the body, either directly into the vagina or through the diet. You can try soaking a tampon in probiotic yogurt and leaving it in the vagina for a couple of hours. Make sure the yogurt is free of flavor and added sugar, which could make things worse. You can also take probiotic capsules by mouth, and these can help. It’s a good idea to take prebiotics along with these to increase their effectiveness.

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