Shopping Product Reviews

Angels – Trusted Angel Assariel

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Many of us have or have had trust issues. Trust seems to be one of the main reasons humans fight against ourselves and others for control.

We are taught through fear not to trust. We are afraid to trust the unknown. Since we arrived in this Earthly Realm filled with unconditional love and a sense of openness, we are deeply connected to Spirit and the Angelic Realm.

Coming from the Spirit Realm into physical form to experience being human sets up a chain reaction that begins by absorbing beliefs, both positive and negative, through our DNA and embeds itself at the cellular level.

Before I go any further, I want to be crystal clear… this is not about blame or finding fault. It is about becoming aware of the root cause and literally choosing to dismantle the old in order to create a positive and uplifting new reality.

To do this—free ourselves from the past—we must be willing to walk toward the Lion on our path with an open heart and open arms, facing our fears head-on with love and compassion.

It is another way of turning towards the parts of the shadow or towards ourselves that we would prefer to forget and disown. The more we resist bringing the darkness within us into our hearts and into the light, the more we remain detached from our truth of being whole and complete.

The next step is to be willing to acknowledge that we — in human form — are simply not in control because everyone has been endowed with free will, the choice to choose between fighting or surrendering.

Choosing surrender does not absolve us from doing our part. However, it gives us a feeling of freedom to access the Angelic Kingdom, to receive the guidance we long for.

Surrender is letting go of negative self-talk and giving in to a deeper sense of trust that we are genuinely connected to the purity of our Soul Essence, unconditional love, peace and harmony.

When I faced the Lion of Mistrust, I imagined myself floating in a sea of ​​complete and total surrender. He would close his eyes, concentrate on my breathing cycles, and delve into that place of peaceful knowing.

Assariel, the Angel of Trust, can help you to let go, releasing all your worries, concerns, and worries. If floating on your back in the water scares you, ask this Angel to gently cradle your body, knowing that you are safe and secure at all times.

Ask for help to let go of fear and doubt, chaos and confusion. Ask for healing at the cellular level, freeing your heart and mind from everything that no longer serves your highest and best good.

Trust evokes a sense of bliss, a deep knowing that you are eternally connected and that all your wants, needs, and material desires are immediately and infinitely supplied under grace, in miraculous ways.

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