
Always keep your faith in Jesus

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Open your Bible to Psalm 34:19… It says: Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. He goes ahead and highlights that Scripture.

Scripture helps you take your eyes off conditions, problems, circumstances, burdens, and symptoms. No matter how bad they may be, and strengthen your faith in Jesus. Difficult situations are always opportunities to gain more glory for the Lord as He manifests His power.

Jesus always proves to be a mighty Helper and mighty Savior! Are you oppressed by something? Are you worried about something? Are you sad about something? Jesus is Greater than all your afflictions, Greater than the negative that holds you back. To invoke the Name of Jesus is to see a new path, to see all things differently. What I am teaching you today is, always keep your faith in Jesus!

Yes! Jesus! A touch of his power will satisfy the need for everything that is not right in your life. No matter what kind of situation you find yourself in, Jesus can get you out! Perhaps you are under great pressure in the area of ​​money? Jesus is the God of supernatural power of change.

Today, Jesus wants you to know that he will come to you in the midst of life’s struggles. Yes, you will learn that nothing is hopeless for those who know it. You see, the Holy Spirit smiles when you take your eyes off your own abilities and put your trust in Jesus for what He can do. Yes, always keep your faith in Jesus!

Jesus knows how little you can do on your own and how much He can accomplish through you. Hallelujah! Always keep your faith in Jesus! Whatever the challenge, the only guarantee of his success is Jesus himself and his Word. It is a personal relationship with God through his Son Jesus Christ. The Anointed.

Maybe your situation doesn’t look like a success right now. Too many people tend to go everywhere but to the throne of Jesus for advice, counsel and instructions. What do you do when Jesus shows you a truth? Do you run from the truth of him, or do you run towards it?

I want you to know right now… Jesus is not limited by where you live in the world. You just have to raise your thinking and realize that Jesus is your Provider and the Source of your supply. Jesus will appear to help you if you keep your faith in Him.

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