
Age 60, Former Skydivers Fitness, Injuries & Dating

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I recently interviewed two very fit former skydivers who still train and work hard and enjoy dating young women and being parents. Find out how three 60-year-old former skydivers stay strong, overcome injuries, date, and even have kids. Listen to the attached audio clip and/or read the summary:

AS = Andy Slusarenko

DB = Doug Burgis

SD= Interviewer


AS- You ate peanut butter sandwiches, walked, swam and played soccer in rural areas of Vancouver Island. 12 years old, he jumped and hit for six guys. AS trained in judo and other martial arts. He was just “white boy” in judo classes.

DB – Born in a small town. He loved the freedom of the outdoors. He moved to Vancouver and experienced a culture shock like never seeing a black or gay man before. He lied about his age to join the army cadets and enjoyed camping and individual sports.

DS-Born at the Air Force base. He enjoys the outdoors and individual sports.


AS – He joined the army. He was the fittest guy in the battalion. He joined CAR.

DB- Joined Army, Infantry and CAR (Canadian Airborne Regiment). In CAR, you were judged on your physical abilities. You never wanted to be left behind.

DS- After too many beatings, he joined the army reserves, then the regular army and trained in martial arts.


AS- Gift to self was a training challenge at the local gym.

DB-He gave himself “Birthday Training”. Bench press was better than my 20’s. Reverse pull-ups: 6 sets of 8.

DS- Run up Grouse Mountain, take your girlfriend dancing.


AS-Pain is different as a child. I had to work around a shoulder injury since I was 13 years old. He still became a skydiver and aikido black belt.

DB- Always work around the wound. Older means better patience with injuries. Having the wisdom to know that I can “fix” the injury and get back on track. Always keep training. If I can’t run, I jump, etc.

DS- If I insult my knee, I work flexibility and upper body. The same with other parts of the body. Always keep moving.


AS- It’s what YOU want from training. It is NOT what other people think. Accept challenges. You need a reason to get up in the morning. If you hurt yourself, suck it up and do it. During my meeting at Airborne, a lot of guys were out of shape and overweight. Take on fitness challenges.

DB- You have to do something that raises adrenaline and testosterone. Life will give you what you need. Look for challenges. Leave some mystery in it. I’m going to ride a motorcycle in Baja, Mexico and I don’t have my logistics ready yet. I would like to see more guys fit. Usually when I train there are only about four of us over 50 during the kettlebell seminars. It should not be like that. There should be more over 50s exercising. During my PPCLI infantry reunion, many ex-soldiers looked bad. They must still be fit enough to play football.

DS- You have to have some kind of emotion, some kind of risk to give yourself that push.


AS- Get a boat and see friends from all over the world. The wind does not pay taxes and the water is free.

DB – Finish home renovations. I will do my adventure while I am retired, while my younger partner is still working.

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