
Accelerate your journey to online success

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No one has logged on to the internet for the first time and started pocketing dollars in a really short period of time. As with all things in life, there is a learning curve.


Just a few years ago, I was a stiff worker like you.

One day, I bought and read a book called “Multiple Streams of Income” by the best selling author, Robert Allen. Immediately, I started my journey.

Every night after work and after my wife and kids went to sleep, I would go online and explore different ways to use the internet to make money.

In the 2 years that followed I spent over $10,000.00 racking up credit card debt buying e-books, membership sites, special reports, opt-in leads, and joining every business opportunity recommended by “gurus” that came my way. email inbox…

I stayed up learning, working, and drinking coffee until 5:00 in the morning month after month filled with the hope of making money online.

In my third year of working part time to build a home based income I finally broke through and made over $100,000.00 in just 12 months from the internet.


Investigate the lives of all the gurus. The only thing you will learn is that my own experience is not unique. Most high earners on the internet experienced a very similar learning curve as I did.

Your curve will most likely be similar to mine as well, but I hope you can get to the top faster than me. Three years was a long time to fight, but every ounce of struggle was worth the reward I ultimately received.

To shorten your own learning curve, you need to do a few things differently than the rest of us did. You must become the master of your learning curve.


There is only one way to shorten the curve on the internet, “you have to plan to succeed”.

Here’s the deal. Most people set up a free website and select a few affiliate programs to add to their website. From the start, most people race towards the finish line with no real plan in mind.

After just a few weeks, people start seeing a message on the wall that says, “This is going to be a long, hard road.”

People check their web beacons daily for six weeks before realizing that getting traffic to their free site is going to be difficult.

At this point, they begin to develop their first batch of advertising. They then spend countless months looking for places to display their ads for free. Some make an even more drastic mistake by spending thousands of hard-earned dollars on their new, untested ads.

These are the people who will learn the facts of life the hard way.

Over time, they’ll learn how to make your advertising work for them. But most will make very little money from their affiliate programs.

At this point in the learning curve, most people give up and walk away from their dreams in utter disgust. Rather than a point away, this should have convinced the struggling online entrepreneur that they were simply traveling the wrong path.


From day one, you should start learning about the nuances of web promotion. Read as much as you can get your hands on. Don’t just read the hype, back it up with the opinions of other people who have reviewed the same programs before you came along. Learn from your mistakes and successes.

As you begin to learn, you must also look to make a decision. Do you want to get into a pre-built program that is designed to help you succeed, OR do you want to create an entirely new program that you are the sole owner of?

If you decide to get into a complete turnkey pre-built business to make money online, then you need to select the right business to get involved with. If this is your decision, please review my program along with others. You can review my Plug In Profit Site(TM) program at:

If you decide to undertake the journey on your own, do all the research, planning, and preparation necessary for your success.


Decide what you think you’d like to do, and then figure out how your planned site will generate real income.

Internet veterans know of hundreds of corporate domains that existed with millions of IPOs, but had no real money plan that could sustain their business model. Most of these companies were among the hundreds of companies that rebelled in the 2000 dot bomb experience.

Don’t blindly believe in his plan. Research others on the web who have undertaken similar business models and see if they have survived. Study your competitors in depth to find out what works for them and what doesn’t. To better understand what has and hasn’t worked for competing websites, check out their time-lapse progressions using the Wayback Machine:

Once you have determined your money plan, you must undertake the development of a business plan and a marketing plan. Use professional assistance if you need to. As you create your plans, determine which domain name you think would be best, then use the NameBoy tool to find out if that domain name is open:

Once you’ve developed your business plan and marketing plan and reviewed it several times, then it’s time to purchase your domain name and start working with a site designer and developer. You may need to have your domain on a web host for your site developer, but this is not always necessary. While they do their job, hire a copywriter to help you with your site’s sales copy.

When your site designer and developer have your site up and running, they should do significant testing to make sure everything is working as planned. It’s much harder to troubleshoot a working site than it is to troubleshoot a site that hasn’t launched yet.

When the test is over, you need to complete your sales copy and then shoot for the launch. Of course, you already have a marketing plan, so your preparation here will simply be a matter of putting the puzzle pieces in place.

You are finally ready to open your business. Don’t be afraid to spend the money to make your dream come true. Time can replace money in the goal of starting a profitable online business, but the money invested can take years off your company’s growth.

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