
ABC of female infertility

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Age: As a woman ages, her fertility decreases.
Alcohol used in excess can cause problems with ovulation and general health.
Anorexia is an eating disorder that can cause ovulation problems.
Autoimmune factors: Antithyroid antibodies, antisperm antibodies, and activated natural killer cells can all contribute to infertility.


Blood clotting disorders: A family history of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), rheumatoid arthritis, stroke, or heart attack may indicate blood clotting disorders. This, in turn, can cause a number of problems if a woman becomes pregnant.
Bulimia is an eating disorder that can also cause ovulation problems.


Cancer and its treatments: Certain types of cancer, such as female reproductive cancers, can significantly affect fertility. Cancer treatments, such as radiation and chemotherapy, are likely to affect a woman’s ability to reproduce.
Caffeine: Excessive caffeine consumption has been associated with delayed conception in women trying to get pregnant.
Celiac disease is a disorder that affects both men and women and causes an inability to tolerate gluten, a common chemical in food. It can affect nutrition, immune factors, and hormones. However, if a strict diet is followed, infertility can be reversed.
Damage to the cervix which can include: poor cervical mucus, narrowing of the cervix, cervical infections, or even an immune response to sperm known as a “sperm allergy.”
Cushing’s disease is an endocrine or hormonal disorder that can cause infertility.
Cysts can cause ovulation problems.


Diabetes – Many women with type 2 diabetes also have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and may have more difficulty conceiving than women without diabetes.


Ectopic pregnancy: Certain treatments or surgeries for any previous ectopic pregnancy can make it more difficult to get pregnant.
Endometriosis: Endometriosis can interfere with ovulation, embryo implantation, and in severe cases, scar tissue can develop causing distortion in the pelvic anatomy.
Environmental toxins, such as lead, pesticides, parabens, and phthalates, cause reproductive and health problems in people who are continually exposed to these harsh chemicals.
Extreme exercise that causes a significant loss of body fat.


Damaged or blocked fallopian tubes.
Fibroids can cause infertility by blocking the fallopian tubes.


Genital tract: Obstruction in the genital tract can prevent sperm from reaching the egg.


Harsh Chemical Solvents: Work environments with an excess of harsh chemical solvents, such as beauty salons, dry cleaners, and spas, have been linked to a higher rate of miscarriages among their female employees.
HIV/AIDS and related treatments cause abnormalities in women’s periods.
The hormonal imbalance creates anovulation. (an inability to ovulate)


Illicit drug use: Drugs, such as cocaine, heroin, and ecstasy, have been shown to have dramatic effects on male and female fertility. If these drugs are used long term, they can cause permanent reproductive problems that will prevent conception.
The infection not only physically blocks ovulation, but it can also cause a hormonal imbalance that leads to anovulation.
Iron deficiency: Women who take extra iron dramatically reduce their risk of becoming anovulatory.


Boost fertility by acquiring healthy habits. Eat healthy. Exercise moderately. Practice good personal hygiene and refrain from heavy substance abuse.




Lifestyle Balance – By keeping your lifestyle in balance, you will ensure that many causes of infertility are under your own control.


Hypothalamus malfunction: The hypothalamus and pituitary gland must function properly for ovulation to occur.
Medications: Medications such as antidepressants, steroid injections, and high blood pressure medications can negatively affect the reproductive system.
Menopause: Early menopause is the absence of menstruation and the early depletion of ovarian follicles before the age of 35.
Absent or irregular menstrual cycle: Some signs that a woman is not ovulating normally include absent or irregular menstrual periods.
Metabolic syndrome is a prediabetic condition that is highly associated with heart disease. This condition is diagnosed when at least three of the following are present: Abdominal obesity; Insulin resistance; High triglyceride levels; Hypertension; and low levels of HDL (good) cholesterol.


The number of eggs a woman has is important. As a woman ages, she produces fewer eggs.


Ovulatory dysfunction is abnormal, irregular, or absent ovulation.


Pelvic inflammatory disease is known to be a long-term consequence of many sexually transmitted diseases, as well as bacterial vaginosis (BV), pelvic surgery, and other gynecologic procedures that pass through the cervix. Pelvic inflammatory disease is inflammation of a woman’s upper reproductive tract, including the structures of the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes.
Poor diet can affect a woman’s hormonal balance.


Egg quality: The quality of the eggs greatly affects your fertility. Poor quality eggs will make it difficult for you to get pregnant and stay pregnant.


Recurrent miscarriages: While experiencing a previous miscarriage will not increase the risk of recurrent miscarriage, women who have experienced two miscarriages are more likely to have recurrent miscarriages.


Scar tissue formation in the fallopian tubes can affect fertility by pinching the tubes and impeding movement designed to find and catch traveling eggs.
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) lead to pelvic inflammatory disease which stems from the same bacteria and causes infertility.
Sickle cell disease: There is no evidence that female fertility is affected by sickle cell disease, but pregnancy can cause many serious problems, including an increased rate of miscarriages and stillbirths; preeclampsia, infections and more.
Steroid Use: Anabolic steroids are derived from the male hormone testosterone. Therefore, the use of steroids can have a dramatic effect on both the male and female reproductive systems, permanently affecting fertility.
Stress can affect a woman’s hormonal balance.


Thyroid dysfunction can stop ovulation by upsetting the balance of the body’s natural reproductive hormones.
Smoking: Women who smoke are 60% more likely than non-smokers to be infertile.
Tumors not only physically block ovulation, but can also cause a hormonal imbalance that leads to anovulation.


Unruptured follicle syndrome occurs in women who produce a normal follicle, with an egg inside each month, but the follicle does not rupture, preventing ovulation.
Unexplained infertility: The cause of infertility cannot always be determined in about 20% of couples.
Uterus: Polyps and other problems with the uterus can cause infertility.


Various gland defects: Problems with glands such as the pituitary, adrenal, and thyroid glands can delay or prevent the ovaries from releasing an egg.


Weight: Women who weigh significantly more or less than their ideal body weight are more likely to be anovulatory and therefore infertile than women who are within their normal body weight range.


X chromosome abnormality: A female needs two working X chromosomes for normal reproduction. When one is abnormal, ovarian function fails.


Your chances of being infertile decrease if you lead a balanced and healthy lifestyle.


Zinc helps your system make and use the hormones it needs to get pregnant and stay pregnant.

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