Lifestyle Fashion

11 health benefits of carob: cleanse and heal your body with carob

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The seeds of a carob tree are wonderfully nutritious and beneficial to human health. Belonging to the pea family, and native to the Mediterranean area, the dried fruit is often used as a substitute for ingredients in foods such as dairy products, cocoa, snacks and bars, and cereals. People who are allergic to cocoa love it because it tastes similar and is easy to use in any cooking recipe.

Here are 11 amazing benefits of adding carob to your diet.

1- Contains gallic acid that is used as an antibacterial, antiviral and antiallergic antiseptic.
2- Very high in vitamin E
3- High in Calcium and Phosphorus
4- Caffeine substitute if used as a coffee substitute
5- Reduces cholesterol
6- Non-dairy substitute
7- High in Proteins
8- Treat diarrhea
9- High in potassium
10- High in calcium
11- Helps the Liver

curing the liver

Many of my studies have focused on the liver and how important it is to our bodies and good health. Our livers are responsible for so much that we absolutely need to be more aware of how to keep it healthy. Our liver breaks down all of our food, cleanses toxins from our body, processes all of our sensory stimuli, and is our heat furnace. It is the only organ in the body that can regenerate.

Our livers are extremely abused in our society, and adding carob to your diet can play an important role in helping our livers heal. Having a healthy liver is vital to healing the rest of our body. I highly recommend anyone looking to heal themselves and have a healthier lifestyle to focus on healing their liver first.

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