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Wood Coffee Table Stain Removal Guide

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Removing stains from wooden furniture is possible as a DIY job; however, for a highly valuable piece, whether financially or sentimentally, it is always best to seek professional advice.

The first stage in figuring out how to get rid of a stain is determining what type of wood your coffee table is made of, what type of finish it has, and what created the stain in the first place. Different stains require different treatment, and using the wrong method for the wrong stain can further damage your furniture. For coffee table stains, the most common culprit is hot drinks placed on the surface without a coaster. However, grease, makeup, and other drinks are all possibilities.

For surfaces that get a lot of use, the best way to prevent stains is to keep the surface well protected. This can be achieved by oiling the wood where appropriate using a wood polish, and also by using coasters and mats at all times.

Heat stains on wooden coffee tables

This technique works only on specific types of wood furniture, so always try an inconspicuous one first. Doesn’t work for shellac.

Heat marks often appear on wood furniture as white marks on the surface. However, heat marks can be successfully removed by the following method. Wash and dry the surface well. Put a clean cotton towel (not too thick) on the surface of your coffee table. Set the iron to full steam and place it on the towel very carefully, just touching the surface. Move the iron slowly and keep removing it to check what is happening; the mark should begin to fade quickly. Wipe up water quickly so additional marks are not created. If the mark doesn’t start to fade or gets worse, stop immediately, as this method may not work for your table or may even make the stain worse.

An alternate method for minor marks is to apply beeswax to the stain using the yellow side of a piece of lemon peel. For more serious marks, use one part baking soda, one part olive oil and paint over the mark. After waiting a few minutes, polish the paste and polish as usual.

Water rings in a shellac finish

For frames with a shellac finish toothpaste can remove water rings. It makes little holes in the wax that are filled when you wax the furniture afterwards.

Grease stains

Grease stains need to be treated differently than other stains on wood furniture. As soon as the stain is noticed, a thin layer of salt should be applied to the stain. The salt should be left there until the fat is absorbed into the salt. It may be necessary to stir and replace the salt several times to get the desired effect.

Candle wax

Candle wax marks are a common problem on coffee tables. The first thing to do is harden the wax with some ice and remove as much as you can with a soft scraper that won’t cause any further damage. Always scrape along, not across, the grain of the wood. Rub off the rest of the wax with a slightly dampened silk cloth. If there is still wax left and the coffee table is not sealed, place a paper towel over the stain. Using a hair dryer, heat the stain, pressing down with the paper towel. Do this in short bursts allowing the area to cool down between attempts.

The most important thing to remember is that it is much easier to prevent stains than to remove them. After successfully removing the stain, immediately wax, oil, or polish your coffee table as appropriate to prevent further damage.

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