
When showing your house

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Below are some of the reasons buyers may be discouraged from viewing your home.

1. Welcome entrance: the first impression is important

As has been said many times, the first impression is the most lasting. It’s just as important, if not more so, that your home looks good from the outside as it does from the inside. A prospective buyer wouldn’t be overly impressed with a neglected yard, unpainted exteriors, or a chipped front door. Have everything in order and in showable condition before putting your home on the market.

2. smells

Cigarettes, pets, and anything else that can make your home smell unpleasant should be avoided at best. Although, that’s not to say you spray perfume everywhere. A clean and fresh environment is what is required.

3. farts

Some buyers may not appreciate seeing pets at home. Some may be scared or some may be irritated. You don’t want your pets to be the cause of their distraction. Move your pets away while buyers are there and let them see your home without anything getting in the way.

4. Dirty bathrooms

The headline says it all. You must know what to do.


Dark houses are a turn off for most home buyers. Install additional lamps, if necessary. Draw the curtains when the shoppers come. And do whatever it takes to make your home appear brighter and more welcoming.

6. Damp basements

Moisture or musty odors in the basement can make your buyer think the basement has a leak, even if it doesn’t actually have a leak. Fix leaks, if any, and make sure whatever the source of the moisture, it gets fixed. It can be caused by rainwater or clogged underground drains. Have it checked out.

7. Don’t stay for the exhibits

Get out of the house during showings or stay away from buyers while they are looking at your home. They may feel uncomfortable opening cabinet doors and get a really good look at the house if you move with them throughout the house.

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