Lifestyle Fashion

The sun is good and bad for you

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Summer is coming, which means that both men and women will rush to the nearest store to buy a new bathing suit. You are also likely to see a rise in gym memberships as people will be in a rush to get their bodies in the best shape possible so they can don their swimsuits and look spectacular on the beach. But there is more of a benefit to getting out and sunbathing.

As many of us know, when there is sunlight, things grow. If we lived in a world without sun, it would be a dark and depressing place. Did you know that something like having a sunny day can affect a person’s mood? Think about it. When it rains outside, do you usually see so many people walking and exercising? Now think about those days when it is sunny and hot outside. Suddenly you see people you swear you never saw before. People ride bikes, walk dogs, jog, and play tennis. It seems that everyone is in a good mood.

Did you know that you can still suffer damage from the sun even in the winter months? Whenever you know that you are about to go outside, you should always make sure to apply sunscreen or sunscreen at least thirty minutes before going out in the sun. This is especially true if you have a job that requires you to spend a considerable amount of time outdoors. While we all want tanned, sun-tanned skin, don’t forget how damaging and unforgiving the sun can be to those who don’t take proper precautions. Getting sunburned is a painful reminder of how powerful the sun’s rays are. You could lie in the sun all day and think you’re going to have a beautiful tan only to be surprised and sore when you see how red your skin is.

There is some controversy over whether “fake and bake” or tanning salons are beneficial or harmful to health. There may be nothing wrong with going to a tanning salon as long as you take the same precautions you would take if you were spending a day at the beach. Make sure you put on plenty of sunscreen and don’t go to the tanning salon too often. After all, too much of one thing is never really a good thing. Perhaps the starkest reminder of the real danger of the sun is the fact that each year at least thousands of people are diagnosed with some form of skin cancer that ranges from mild to severe. In the event that you are told that you have skin cancer, they sometimes have to graft skin from other parts of your body to replace the damaged skin. However, the first thing to know about skin cancer is that it is completely preventable. This is not to say that you should never go out in the sun, but when you know you are going to be spending an amount of time outside, make sure your first priority is protecting your body. This means wearing hats, applying generous amounts of sunscreen and / or sunscreen, and retiring in the shade every now and then.

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