Tours Travel

Steps for maintaining your pressure washer pump

Posted by admin

When you buy a pressure washer pump, you will enjoy relatively low maintenance. But you’ll want to take care of your pressure washer to maintain its value and preserve its useful life for use. With that said, here are some easy things you can do to maintain your pump.

Rid your pump of contaminants and debris. You will want to turn on the water after you remove the wand from the spray gun. Then squeeze the motor and hold the trigger. Do this until you produce a steady stream of water. You will want to hold this for 2 minutes. Then press the safety latch and secure the spray gun wand.

To change the oil in your pump, and this goes along with changing the oil in anything, you need to make sure it’s off and cool so you don’t burn yourself. You should wear gloves to do this so you don’t stain your hands. You should also wear suitable clothing that you don’t mind getting dirty.

You will need to remove the oil cap with a wrench. Once the cap is removed, drain the used oil by tilting the pressure washer. Once the oil has drained, you can return it to its upright position and prepare to insert new, fresh oil.

Once you remove the remaining oil from the pump, you’ll want to fill the pump with new oil that is specified in your owner’s manual. The owner’s manual should specify one to several different types of oil. Use a funnel to pour the oil and not make a mess.

Be sure to pour the recommended amount, no more and no less. You can do this by pre-measuring the oil or you can buy pre-measured amounts. Just stop at the indicated amount of oil needed. Your owner’s manual will tell you how much to use.

Make sure after you put the oil in that you secure the cap securely to make sure there are no leaks. Be sure to wipe off any clumps of oil afterwards.

You will need to change the oil in your pressure washer after the first 50 hours and then every three to five months, or after 500 hours. Your pressure washer owner’s manual may specify an exact amount of time to change the oil and you’ll want to follow those instructions if they differ from these instructions.

As always, if you have any questions about servicing your pump, contact the manufacturer or an authorized retail and service technician in your area.

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