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Personal Growth Through Faith – Understanding God’s Will

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Understanding God’s will is like turning on a light in a dark room. When we plan for the future and do so without consulting God, we make our plans in the dark. These will invariably come to an unfavorable end. As we ask God to bless us every step of the way, we surrender our problems to him and seek his guidance and protection. But how does this happen?

“The fruit of light consists of all goodness, justice, and truth.” (Ephesians 5.9)

To live in the light, it is first necessary to get rid of the things of the past that kept us tied to darkness. All things that are shameful cling to the cloak of darkness and as long as we persist in those things that embarrass and embarrass us, the light will escape us. Being good, behaving righteously, and keeping the truth in all things is the only way to discover what is pleasing to God. This applies to both the highest figure in the state and the lowliest beggar. If you come across a strong young man begging on the steps of your church, don’t turn your back on him. If his leaders try to deceive you with clever arguments, expose them. If you go home for a bottle of wine every night, leave it. Your day must become as pure as you can make it, then come to the Lord on your knees in prayer.

Do we even recognize the value of such humility today? Or is it cause for scorn and laughter to be on your knees before God? It’s no laughing matter when you walk away from God. Left to the forces of darkness we soon find ourselves alone and defeated. In difficult times the temptation to steal, cheat, lie, are greater than ever. But the gain you receive from this type of behavior will not last. But if someone steals from you and cheats on you or lies to you, and you have the maturity of character to smile and turn the whole thing over to the Lord, then the blessings you receive are eternal.

Society has forgotten the lessons of the past, ancient secrets once treasured by our ancestors and now treated with derision. But it is time to resurrect them, relearn them. God’s will is shared with those who keep an open mind and a loving heart. It is the light of the lamp that will illuminate your path and lead you to a spectacular salvation. Nothing else even comes close.

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