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How to Play Bunny Hunt Paintball

Posted by admin

When it comes to paintball, you have many different ways to play. These may be different rules and/or specific goals that are set for each type of paintball game. Bunny Hunt is just one of the many ways you can play paintball and we will go into detail on how to play this type of paintball game properly.

First of all, there must be one person playing against many others. So the way the teams are set up would be the bunny would be one individual and the chasers would be a bunch of people. The bunny would be someone who voluntarily wants to be the bunny. Also, the bunny is given more privileges than the hunters, such as being able to use a semi-automatic paintball marker and a trash can lid to use as a shield.

Hunters are also restricted to only carrying a certain number of paintballs. Usually 20-30 paintballs. Where the bunny can have as many paintballs as he wants. It’s really up to you how long to set the time for the game, but generally rabbit hunting games can last between 20-30 minutes. The bunny gets to start five minutes before the chasers. Also, hits on the rabbits shield will not count as a kill shot. The bunny receives a signal from the referee for the start of the game. Also, all hunters start at the same time from the same area. If the hunters run out of paint, they will be eliminated and will have to stay out of the game.

Obviously, if any hunters get hit, they are out of the game and cannot reveal the bunny’s location to other members who are still playing the hunt. If you’re the Bunny, it’s best to keep moving and not stay in one place. Try to capture the hunters one at a time instead of targeting them all at once. The hunters better have some members up front shooting a few shots in some places that could be a hiding area to flush the bunny out of hiding. And eventually being able to catch the bunny in the corner.

Bunny hunt is an awesome game if it’s the end of the day and everyone is low on paint and wants to play one or two more games before the day is over.

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