Lifestyle Fashion

How to get rid of that ugly Unibrow for good

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Grooming your eyebrows for a better appearance

A unibrow or single eyebrow is the presence of abundant hair between the eyebrows so that the eyebrows appear to meet above the nose to form a long eyebrow. In Western culture, the growth of this facial hair is considered a lack of cleanliness, as if it took on a “primitive” appearance. Unibrow separation is the only form of brow grooming for men. Among women, the space between the eyebrows is plucked or treated with electrolysis or other forms of hair removal.

The way your eyebrows are groomed can make a significant difference to your appearance, as eyebrows help shape your eyes and give them character. It is important to keep your eyebrows trimmed and well groomed. Bushy eyebrows require ongoing care and attention. Still, everyone needs some type of brow maintenance. Men and women need good grooming advice too.

Never shave your brows as a quick fix. When your eyebrows start to grow back, they will require constant maintenance. The continuing need for grooming will be obvious. Eyebrows require their own special care. Use your razor to trim your beard.

It is not a good idea to use depilatories in the eye area. It’s easy to irritate the skin and cause unwanted injury. With depilatories, hair will grow back faster than with waxing or tweezing. Your eyes are precious and delicate. Don’t risk the safety of your eyes.

There are many kits on the market for plucking your eyebrows. With step-by-step instructions, the process seems simple. It’s best to have your eyebrows plucked by a professional, but if you decide to do it at home, have a professional do it the first time. Watch closely to see how it’s done and be prepared for temporary aches and pains.

Trimming your eyebrows

For those who have thin brows, a small pair of scissors may be sufficient to trim loose hairs. Eyebrow styling and trimming is best done in bright light.

Select an area to pay attention to. Then trim the eyebrows in the direction of hair growth. Work slowly, carefully. Hairs cut too short will stick out in a silly way. With a few days of careful trimming, you will know if you are on the right track.

Plucking loose eyebrow hairs

In addition to waxing, tweezing is still the most effective method of removing eyebrow hair. If you need to pluck your eyebrows, keep a clean pair of tweezers on hand for this purpose.

Store your tweezers in a safe and hygienic place. Don’t let anyone use it. Some men may want to use tweezers to clean their nails. This is unhealthy and makes the tweezers less effective. If you allow such use of your tweezers, be prepared to buy a new pair when the tips do not come together properly to grab the hairs.

Start plucking with moistened eyebrows. Using tweezers after you shower is ideal, but soaking the forehead area with a warm washcloth for several minutes will give the same effect. Comb your brows in the direction of their growth and let them fall naturally in place.

Decide which areas need to be slimmed down. Then pinch your eyebrows in the direction of hair growth. For an even look, start from the bottom, inside out. Pull each hair one by one to avoid mistakes. Be careful, some hairs may not grow back!

When tweezing the center of the eyebrows, look closely to make sure they are not too far apart. You can always come back later and remove the extra hairs, if you need more space.

Don’t pick too many hairs off the top of your forehead. Target the obvious stray hairs and thin out a bit. Start from the center, then out.

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