Lifestyle Fashion

Foods that help you lose weight: combat fat accumulation and obesity

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Foods that help you lose weight: When many people think about losing weight, they think about calories and HOW MUCH they are eating. However, the fact that you clicked on this article obviously means that you are not part of the 95% of people who still think that it is ALL about calories versus calories. calories burned.

Now, of course, let’s not be silly, if you don’t expend more energy than you consume, you will never lose weight. I’m sorry…

It’s simply against the rules of the universe.

However, the FOOD you put into your body has the greatest effect. Because? Well, isn’t it true that many people are on super restrictive diets but still can’t reach their weight goals?

I am going to tell you about some of the best foods to help you lose weight, however before I do I need to explain why you should never forget that the quality of food is much more important for fat loss than quantity.

First of all, have you ever tried to overeat with “healthy” foods? It’s pretty hard, right?

Real healthy foods fill you up faster because they aren’t just “empty calories” and don’t contain as many calories as other processed foods.

When you eat processed, artificial, sugary, and salty foods, a couple of things happen. First, your blood sugar rises and insulin is released to ‘cleanse your blood’. Without getting weird, with enough repetitions, this process causes rapid weight gain.

Secondly, you need to understand that weight loss does not happen without the proper functioning of the liver. When you eat the foods I described above, your liver and bile become congested and their ability to chemically break down food and YOUR FAT stops dead in its tracks.

Not good.

The reason I’m sharing this with you is because it’s very important to fully understand the “why” of something before implementing it, as you’ll be less likely to do it for a brief period of time and then forget about it (as most of people do well). ?)

Now to the foods that help you lose weight. I’m going to give you the highest quality foods from each nutrient group.

First are the proteins. The best sources of protein are chicken breast, lean cuts of beef or lamb, lean pork loin, turkey breast, almonds, walnuts, and lentils, among many more.

The best sources of carbohydrates are brown rice, quinoa, raw oats, yams, barley, lentils, and many more.

The best sources of fats are fish, avocados, walnuts, flaxseeds, extra virgin olive oil, plain butter (from grass-fed animals), and natural cheese (from grass-fed animals), among much others.

I hope this short article has given you a solid perspective on why and how to eat healthy foods.

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