
Flutter Vs. React Native: Which one to choose?

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Major Market Players and Development Frameworks: Flutter and React Native have become the top contenders competing to prove themselves in cross-platform mobile app development. People who are looking to develop applications faster at lower cost are scratching their heads as they find it extremely difficult to identify which framework best suits their application idea.

Making this exercise a bit easy, in this article, we have covered the most crucial comparison points that will help you gain meaningful information on how to choose any.

What is Flutter and React Native? a little glimpse

Flutter is a mobile app SDK that lets you write an app to a database and compile it on Android and iOS OR take it as a portable UI toolkit from Google to build natively compiled apps for mobile, web and desktop from a single code base.

React is a JavaScript framework from Facebook used to write true native mobile apps for iOS and Android.

Comparison factors

A. Programming language

React Native uses JavaScript as a programming language that is widely used by web developers, making it easy to adopt. While Flutter uses the Dart programming language, which is rarely used and less popular in the developer community, through which we can easily conclude that React takes the lead.

B.Technical Architecture

React Native uses the JavaScript Bridge to communicate with the native modules, and conversely, flutter has all the native components needed for app development on Flutter Engine or within the framework itself, making it perform better than before.

C User interface

Flutter apps look good on all versions of the operating system due to its unique codebase and component-rich nature, which means that the app will behave naturally and copy its native components, while Flutter’s components Native app look like native. So if you want your app to look almost the same across all platforms, you can use React.

D.Time to market

React is of course faster in development but slightly less than flutter. Considering that it uses the bridge and the native component, which requires separate optimization for each platform, which increases development time.

E. When not to choose

If your app design is platform-specific, requires multiple interactions with an operating system, needs a minimalist UI, and is particular about phone hardware, flutter is not the framework to choose. You should go for native app development whereas, if your app requires custom communication via Bluetooth, you have to handle a complicated task in the background and you are looking to develop an Android-only app, then surely you should go for native app development. of native apps. Since it is good for iOS app development.

F. Community Support

Since React was released long before Flutter, it has gained a significantly good amount of popularity, but Flutter is still early stage with a growing community.

G. Test stand

The React Native community does not have official support for testing and integration at the UI level; it uses third-party tools like Detox and Appium, while flutter has a rich set of testing features, like widget testing, which makes it much better than React.

In conclusion, flutter is still naive, but it is actively working on improving its stability and there are many apps built with Flutter, some of which are Alibaba Xianyu app, Google Ads app, JD finance app, Hamilton app, etc. And the popular apps built with React Native are Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Skype, Tesla, Wix, etc.

Taking the above comparison into account, you can probably determine which framework will be best suited for your mobile app development.

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