Shopping Product Reviews

Ezine Advertising – The Fastest Way To Earn Affiliate Earnings

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If you’re on a tight budget or want to get started quickly without a website or list of your own, then ezine advertising should be your number one choice.

Newsletter advertising is the perfect solution for beginners who want to test a market and make a quick profit. This is why:

  • it’s very specific. People subscribe to ezines to receive information on specific topics. You just need to find ezines that cover topics related to the product you are promoting.
  • It is profitable. You can find ezines that sell ads for as little as $8, which is perfect for trying out a new product idea.
  • It’s a cheap way to test your ad copy. You can track multiple ads at the same time for next to nothing and find out which ad attracts the best.

What is an electronic publication?

An ezine is similar to a print magazine, except that it is delivered electronically via email. And instead of buying an ezine, people sign up for it for free or by paying a monthly subscription. Most ezines are published weekly, but some are published daily, monthly, or bi-monthly.

Types of Ezine Ads

Classified Ads: the cheapest and least effective ads you can buy. Classified ads are limited to two or three lines and are placed at the bottom of the ezine. Some ezines even give away free classifieds as an incentive to subscribe. Unless you place a classified ad in an ezine with 30,000 or more subscribers, your chances of getting a response are slim.

Sponsor Announcements: these are more expensive than classified ads, but will get you a much better response. Sponsor ads can be placed at the top, middle, or bottom of an ezine. You can include more text in a sponsor ad, so it’s a good way to test your copy before launching a solo ad.

Solo Ads: This is the king of all ads because your offer is sent exclusively to everyone on the mailing list and gets all the attention from subscribers. Articles or other content are not included. Solo ads can be expensive, but they can increase your response by up to 100% over sponsor ads. Typically, you can expect a 20% to 30% response rate from a good solo ad.

In other words, if you buy a single ad for $100 in an ezine with 5,000 subscribers, you should expect around 1,000 highly targeted visitors.

Note: Solo ads can be purchased for as little as $10. You’ll get a much better response from a $10 solo ad sent to 500 subscribers than from a $10 classified ad sent to 5,000.

Here’s your step-by-step guide to successful ezine advertising.

Step one: Subscribe to 10 or more ezines.

Subscribe to ezines that offer the best sponsorships and solo ads within your budget. Subscribing to ezines before placing your ads will allow you to determine the quality of your list and the potential profitability of your campaign before spending any money. You may want to set up a specific email address for your subscriptions and filter them to a specific folder in your email program for easy access.

You can Google “ezine directories” and “ezine advertising” to find quality ezines.

Second step: Select three quality ezines.

Here are some guidelines for choosing a quality ezine:

1. Does the ezine have a domain name and website where you can subscribe and buy advertising? This shows that the publisher runs a serious business and is not likely to take your money and walk away.

2. Is there an article archive? This shows you how long the publisher has been in business and how consistent the publication is.

3. Are the subscriptions opt-in confirmed? After signing up, you will receive an email to confirm your subscription. This is a sign of a high-quality listing. However, this should not be the only determining factor.

4. How often does the ezine owner publish? A weekly or biweekly publication is optimal. If you get daily ads, it’s a good sign that people may be desensitized to your message.

5. Does the publisher offer solo ads? An individual ad is one that is sent to the entire list on its own and is generally the most profitable type of advertising.

6. Do individual ads show the advertiser’s subject line? If the subject line is not personalized, the results will not be as good.

7. Does the body of the message contain a lengthy disclaimer from the ezine owner explaining their SPAM policy and that they are not associated with the advertiser and not responsible for the content? This is a red flag for me because it makes the reader less receptive to your ad.

8. Do you see the same ads multiple times? This is a good sign that the advertiser is getting a good response. One way to be sure is to contact the advertiser and simply ask.

9. Is there a waiting period to post my ad in the ezine? A responsive listing becomes popular quickly and may have a waiting period of a month or more. If you find one, book your listings quickly and mark it on your calendar. The wait will be worth it when your ad finally goes live.

10. Does the editor personally answer your questions? No response could mean that your mail was filtered. And if your email doesn’t arrive, you can bet your ad won’t either. Get a solid answer before you pay.

Step three: configure your ad trackers.

Never post unless you can track the response. You need to know how many visitors and sales you get for each ad you place so you can determine whether or not to run another ad in a particular ezine or upgrade from a sponsor ad to an individual ad.

This information is critical in determining how well each ad campaign is performing and how well you are converting visitors to sales. Sometimes you just need to modify your ad text and run it again for better results.

If you get good results the first time, run your ad again in a week or two. Not everyone will buy the first time. And many who were “undecided” the first time they saw your ad, may buy the second time.

You can find a good ad tracking service on Google.

Step four: write your ad

There are numerous books on how to write good copy that you can find by searching Google. But, the best way to find ideas for good ads is to read the ads in other ezines.

Look for ads that grab your attention. Modify them to fit the product you’re promoting, then add your own personal touch. You can include an excerpt from an ebook you’re selling, a section of the sales letter, or your personal endorsement.

step five: place your ad.

This is the easiest part. Simply fill out a form with your ad copy and credit card information. After processing the order. You will receive a confirmation of when the announcement will be published. And since you’re already subscribed to the ezine, you can check it out for yourself. Don’t trust them to send you a “courtesy copy.”

step six: Put half of your earnings back into advertising.

Well, it sounds pretty simple. But where do you put the extra profit?

That’s why it keeps track of your ads. So you can make an informed decision and maximize your earnings.

So if you had to put half of your earnings back into advertising, where would you put it?

Let’s say your total win was $400. Take two hundred and invest them back in successful ezines and invest the other two hundred in two new ezines. And then multiply your earnings from there.

The earning potential of this method is incredible. Once you touch the strategy and see it work, you’ll see exactly what I mean. And until you do, you’ll have a hard time understanding why I get so excited.

Note: It can take up to two weeks (or more) to sign up for some ezines. That is why it is important that you get your place as soon as possible.

Once you set up this system and find some great ezines to advertise with, you’ll be making money completely on autopilot!

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