Legal Law

Constipation: what are you holding on to?

Posted by admin

A client came into my office today complaining that she had been constipated her entire life and understandably was tired of it.

Knowing that a physical symptom is only the indication of a vibration/belief (Abraham-Hicks), I asked her how this situation made her feel.

At first she had few comments, but then she started to snap out of it… and it sounded like this:

“I’m not like the others. It’s not easy for me, it’s hard…” and for good reason đŸ™‚

We then began to discuss his mission in life. According to her, she wished to heal herself and release the blockages in her body, mind and spirit.

Do you see that her mission in life was based on the belief that there was something wrong with her anyway, and that it should take a long time; it must be a hard effort. That’s why she had even created a life mission around… well, around a physical process.

Wow… the image cleared up at times.

She also came from a place where people believed that she had to strive for success and have a hard life. And she naturally had adopted that belief.

We were just starting to put the puzzle together… Everything else made sense now: life was hard, remembering was hard, relationships were hard, even a natural process like bowel movement reflected the difficulty of life in general.

Once it became clear that the underlying message of her life was that “life is hard” (even down to her favorite song about life being hard), she began to reaffirm her life mission:

“My purpose is to live with joy and creativity every moment of my life!”

Then she really began to unravel numerous patterns in her life that could no longer function with this new direction and new focus: she now felt worthy, no longer dependent on others to tell her how much she was worth. She was proud of her mission and of herself. She felt connected to the power source.

Then, as I usually do after a productive session, I finish with a Body Talk (body-mind work) that facilitates the integration of the day’s lessons.

It was only one link: integrating the belief that life is easy after all! … Nothing more and nothing less.

Easy really! The physical symptoms are just the indication of your deeply held beliefs that often remain in the realm of the unconscious unless we seek them out and bring them up.

them into the light to be… eliminated.

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