
Avoid instant message viruses

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Even if you’ve never used it, you are probably familiar with the new emerging form of instant communication known as instant messaging, abbreviated as IM. Much like the success of email, the difference in instant messaging is that the two or more parties exchanging information can do so almost instantly with no waiting period between messages. But since all other computer-generated communication systems have been affected by the dangerous viruses out there, instant messaging users now have to protect themselves against malicious code that can be easily transferred and downloaded directly to their computer.

Several popular programs, such as MSN Messenger, AOL Instant Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, Windows Messenger, among many others, allow people to communicate in real time by exchanging written messages, sound or images. Unfortunately, even this type of communication can no longer be considered sd virus free. Hackers, virus writers, and spyware coders can develop their malicious content and publish it faster by using these online instant messaging forums. When unconscious people open the files supposedly sent by the other party, their computers get infected with a possibly very dangerous virus. Victims of such an unfortunate event reported that their computers slowed down or even stopped responding altogether. Others did not detect that something went wrong, as nothing seemed to change, but then they found dangerous spyware installed on their computer, tracking the information they entered and transmitting it to unknown recipients.

Since it is just one more Internet threat, people can take basic precautions to avoid having to face the stressful fact of having a day to format their computer system and losing all their valuable information. First, you must be very careful before deciding to download a file through instant messaging; particularly when the file is sent by an unknown counterpart. In cases where the sender is known, computer experts advise people to use another means, such as email, telephone, or some other method, to contact the sender directly and ensure that the transmitted file is not A virus. Second, it is extremely important that all computer users update their software operating system frequently. By keeping it up to date, you can reduce the chances of having to deal with a new threat that your previous version was not developed to detect. Third, instant messaging users should use the most up-to-date version of their choice of instant messaging service. Visiting the instant messaging website and downloading the most recently released version ensures that your computers remain protected from malicious code by instant messaging software programs that are transferred from one computer to another. Fourth, downloading the latest versions of antivirus and antispyware is vitally important. Since these programs can detect and remove malicious code, it is logical that they are updated frequently to increase the security measures taken against potential attackers.

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