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Andrew Carnegie Quotes: How much is a billionaire’s advice worth to you?

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“The average person puts only 25% of their energy and skill into their work. The world takes its hat off to those who put in more than 50% of their ability, and turns its heads to those few and distant souls who dedicate 100 %” -Andrew Carnegie

If you want to be successful, you’d probably be wise to listen to a man who, in today’s dollars, would be the second richest man in history! If you could emulate the philosophy of this man, you would have a much better chance of success than the philosophy of the average individual.

Andrew Carnegie was not born rich, he started at the bottom and worked his way up. He was not handed a silver tray, but a platinum one was prepared.

How badly do you want to be a success in your life? What would you be willing to give up to have that success? These are the questions you need to ask yourself before you can plan for your success.

Most people today love to spend their energy on frivolous activities. How much energy do people spend watching television? How much energy do people expend gossiping about celebrities? How much energy do people spend complaining about problems? How much energy do people expend in the complaint period? People love spending energy complaining, but complaining has never solved anything.

Andrew Carnegie tells us that if we spent 50% of our energy on our work, people would take their hats off to us. If you want to climb to even higher heights, put in an extra 10-20% and if you can put 100% of your energy into your work, the whole world will stop when you are in its presence.

So how do you make the most of Andrew Carnegie’s advice?

  1. Take an energy inventory of your life. Just for one day see what you focus your attention on. Can you live without some of the distractions? Don’t beat yourself up if you want some entertainment, but you have a limit on energy, so use it wisely.
  2. Make sure your job is something you want to be successful at.. It sounds silly, but are you passionate about what you do? If you’re not, there’s no way you’ll ever devote most of your energy to something you’re not in love with.
  3. Practice focusing your energy on your work.. Now that you know what you need to do, you need to practice making it a habit. Once it becomes a habit, it will be easy and success will flow to you like water that has made its way through a mountain valley.
  4. Constantly evaluate your success and prioritize your energy. This is what the massively successful do with their thoughts and actions.

How much of your energy are you willing to focus on your success? You have all the energy you will ever need to be the success you want to be, follow the steps above and enjoy the success that follows your actions! This is how you use the energy of abundance in your life.

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