Lifestyle Fashion

7 ways to survive the start of the school year

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It happens every year. Just when you’ve settled into the lazy days of summer, you start finding Back to School catalogs in your mailbox and bikinis for sale in favor of turtlenecks. Your local store has devoted an entire aisle to pencils, notebooks, and lunch boxes. Soon there will be no more long days at the beach, long nights watching movies with popcorn, or alarm-free mornings. It’s enough to make you dread September, but it doesn’t have to be. With a slight change in attitude and a plan in place, September can be one of the best months of the year.

1. Practice
Don’t wait until Labor Day to prepare for the change to the school year. Start pushing back bedtime for the last two weeks of August, around 8:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. for elementary school kids.

2. Lower your expectations
Major transitions equal disruption. Routines change and priorities change. Allow yourself some extra leeway when it comes to chores and chores. Avoid scheduling appointments during the month close to the start of the school year.

3. Earn extra time
Clear the covers of additional responsibilities so you can go through the transition with less stress. Do not sign up for your usual extracurricular activities. Keep your family commitments to a minimum.

4. Motivate your children
Preparing for school is not just a job for parents. The students themselves have things they need to do to prepare. Make all back-to-school activities, like shopping for school clothes, a fun family event. Spend the first week of school settling in and having fun as a family. Plan pizza nights and ice cream socials. Schedule extra game nights and buy a new puzzle.

5. Ask for help
Reduce your stress during this transition. Ask for help to complete all back to school assignments. Hire a babysitter to watch your younger children while you take your older children shopping for school clothes. Ask grandparents to oversee school supply purchases.

6. Set the tone
Set a positive tone for the new school year. If you approach September with the kind of fear usually associated with prison terms, you can be sure your kids won’t be too happy about going to school. On the other hand, if you show interest and excitement about what’s ahead, then your child will be eager to get started.

7. Focus
The start of a new school year is an important time for a child. The whole family should be interested and involved in the process. Express interest about next year, classes, and school friends. Share your school memories. Celebrate this new beginning!

The start of a new school year can be an exciting time for a family. It’s a fresh start with new teachers and classmates, and maybe even a new school. Planning for the best possible start to the year shows your child how much you care. The more effort you put into it, the more you and your child will reap the rewards.

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