Health Fitness

The best exercise to lose weight

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The best exercise for weight loss is the exercise you stick with. Weight loss takes time and dedication. To ensure success, create an exercise program that you enjoy.

It doesn’t matter if running averages 100 calories per mile if you don’t like running (and therefore aren’t likely to hold out). Instead, focus on exercises that are both challenging and enjoyable.

From a technical standpoint, aerobic exercises burn the most calories per workout. Therefore, it is important to incorporate some form of aerobic exercise into your training plan.

cardiovascular exersise – The basis of your training program should consist primarily of cardiovascular exercises. If you’re new to exercise, start by walking. While simple, walking at a brisk pace is a good way to increase your fitness level. Set your goal of at least 10,000 steps per day.

Other forms of cardiovascular exercises include: basketball, soccer, swimming, and running.

interval training – As your fitness level improves, try to implement intervals into your workouts. An interval is the combination of high and low intensity training in one workout. For example, a thirty second sprint followed by a one minute jog. Not only is it a challenge, but it’s also an effective calorie burner. Your body is constantly being pushed and actually forced to expend more energy. Intervals are only recommended for people who already have an exercise program (beginners should not attempt this)

cross training – Another great way to burn calories while keeping workouts interesting is through cross training. Participating in 2 or more activities in a training/exercise program is known as cross-training. For example: A runner swims on his days off.

Conclusion: The most effective calorie burning exercises are cardiovascular exercises. While some exercises burn more calories than others, they’re worthless if they don’t interest you. Choose a training program that works for you. Your program should be challenging, but it should also be something you look forward to. As with everything, weight loss takes time. Remember that exercise is only a fraction of the journey. The other part revolves around your diet.

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