Health Fitness

P90X Resistance Bands Vs Bodylastics Exercise Bands

Posted by admin

So which one is better for your P90X training? P90X or Bodylastics resistance bands? Well, in this article you will get the information you need and the answer may surprise you!

One of my clients was recently laid off from her job until she could no longer afford a personal trainer. I felt really bad because he’s just starting to make some serious progress. But, we all have to make sacrifices.

You haven’t given up on your exercise and fitness program. She promised me to keep training at home and talk to me once a week on the phone. Her friend recently gave her the P90X training and exercise DVDs.

So on your weekly phone call you asked me what are the best P90X bands or Bodylastics resistance bands for exercises.

I already have the Bodylastic exercise bands, so I decided to buy the P90X resistance bands. They are also called B Lines resistance bands.

Here are my P90X Versus Bodylastics Resistance Bands

The first big difference between these 2 resistance bands is that the Bodylastic bands allow you to fit up to 7 bands on a single handle. In this way, it acts more like a good set of adjustable dumbbells than just a set of resistance tubes.

The second thing that makes Bodylastics resistance exercise bands stand out is that the manufacturer offers a lifetime replacement guarantee on their product. P90X Resistance Bands do not appear to offer any warranty on the product from what I could find on their packaging or on their website.

The B Lines Extreme Basic Resistance Bands Kit comes with 3 bands and 2 handle sets and sells for just under $40.

The Bodylastic Basic Tension System comes with 4 bands and 2 handles. They also include a set of ankle straps and a door anchor that allows you to perform exercises similar to a lat pulldown machine. (You can perform approximately 140 exercises with this system.)

You also get a circuit training DVD and one year of online access to their video training center at Strength Band University. This set sells for just under $46.

While the P90X resistance bands are about five dollars cheaper than the Bodylastics exercise system, the addition of the ankle straps, door anchor, and lifetime warranty make the Bodylastics exercise resistance bands They are a much better deal than the P90X bands.

One last thing, P90X offers a 30 day money back guarantee while Bodylastics offers you a 60 day money back guarantee. So if you want to try both, you can without risking your money.

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