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2 things to avoid when creating your information product

Posted by admin

If you have launched a product and no one has bought it, you should verify that you have avoided doing either of these 2 things. Are here.

1. Incorrect assumptions

I wonder how many people have put in the time and effort to create a product based on the assumption that if they would like it, so would their customers!

This is one of the main reasons people fail in their business venture. They assume their customers are the same as them!

We all fall into this trap from time to time.

What to do instead

Take the time to find out what your customers need. Find out their likes and dislikes and the things they struggle with.

Make it a regular exercise to discover current issues your clients may be facing. Interact with them so they feel safe sharing their thoughts with you and that you really listen and care.

2. Wrong solution

When you discover that there is something your customers need help with, it can be tempting to go out and find a solution without wasting time to understand more about the problem so that your solution is actually the right one.

For example, suppose you know that your customers are having difficulty making sales. You can decide to create a product that provides help and step-by-step instructions on how to write better sales pages and how to improve sales conversions.

However, if you had taken the time to find out more, you would realize that this is not the solution you are looking for. In fact, they don’t have any products to sell! So the solution is to help them create their own products.

It may seem obvious, but think about this: how many times have you been offered a product as a solution to a problem you are facing and you haven’t bought it yet because it doesn’t actually solve the problem you have?

What to do instead

Find out what your desired end result is, and then work backward to understand where your customers started. You may find that you have clients at different stages along the way; maybe you need to create a beginner and advanced solution.

I have found that many times my clients are looking for a bigger picture and how everything fits together rather than separate steps.

Having an A to Z program can really help fill this gap.

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